作者:Yimo Zou 邹一末
DMV(机动车部门)的两项主要功能是为加利福尼亚州的2650万名驾驶员颁发许可证,并注册超过3470万辆汽车。 但是,DMV(机动车部门)维护还在监督许多其他功能,包括记录车辆DMV登记册的所有权(所有权证明)。 保持领有牌照的驾驶员的驾驶记录(事故和定罪)。发行个人身份证。注册并记录船舶所有权。对驾驶和交通违法学校及其教员进行许可和监管。许可并规范车辆制造商,运输商,经销商,分销商,车辆销售人员和拆除人员。执行财务责任法。调查消费者的投诉。依法维护记录,以及每年收入超过80亿美元。

地址:1310 N Waterman Ave, San Bernardino, CA 92404 (San Bernardino)
3201 Horseless Carriage Dr, Norco, CA 92860 (Norco)
1659 W Livonia Ave, Redland, CA 92374 (Redland)
8026 Hemlock Ave, Fontana, CA 92336 (Fontana)
电话:(800) 777-0133 (统一电话)
开放时间:周一到周五:早上8:00 – 下午5:00 (周末与节假日休息)
Class C Sample test 1
- 1. You may drive off of the paved roadway to pass another vehicle: * Required
- If the shoulder is wide enough to accommodate your vehicle.
- If the vehicle ahead of you is turning left.
- Under no circumstances.
- 2. You are approaching a railroad crossing with no warning devices and are unable to see 400 feet down the tracks in one direction. The speed limit is: * Required
- 15 mph.
- 20 mph.
- 25 mph.
- 3. When parking your vehicle parallel to the curb on a level street: * Required
- Your front wheels must be turned toward the street.
- Your wheels must be within 18 inches of the curb.
- One of your rear wheels must touch the curb.
- 4. When you are merging onto the freeway, you should b driving: * Required
- At or near the same speed as the traffic on the freeway.
- 5 to 10 MPH slower than the traffic on the freeway.
- The posted speed limit for traffic on the freeway.
- 5. When driving in fog, you should use your: * Required
- Fog lights only.
- High beams.
- Low beams.
- 6. A white painted curb means: * Required
- Loading zone for freight or passengers.
- Loading zone for passengers or mail only.
- Loading zone for freight only.
- 7. A school bus ahead of you in your lane is stopped with red lights flashing. You should: * Required
- Stop, then proceed when you think all of the children have exited the bus.
- Slow to 25 MPH and pass cautiously.
- Stop as long as the red lights are flashing.
- 8. California’s “Basic Speed Law” says: * Required
- You should never drive faster than posted speed limits.
- You should never drive faster than is safe for current conditions.
- The maximum speed limit in California is 70 mph on certain freeways.
- 9. You just sold your vehicle. You must notify the DMV within ___ days. * Required
- 5
- 10
- 15
- 10. To avoid last minute moves, you should be looking down the road to where your vehicle will be in about ______________. * Required
- 5 to 10 seconds
- 10 to 15 seconds
- 15 to 20 seconds
Class C Sample test 1
1. Under no circumstances.
2. 15mph
3. Your wheels must be within 18 inches of the curb.
4. At or near the same speed as the traffic on the freeway.
5. Low beams.
6. Loading zone for passengers or mail only.
7. Stop as long as the red lights are flashing.
8. You should never drive faster than is safe for current conditions.
9. 5
10. 10 to 15 seconds
Class C Sample test 2
- 1. You are about to make a left turn. You must signal continuously during the last ____ feet before the turn. * Required
- 50
- 75
- 100
- 2. Which of the following statements about blind spots is true? * Required
- They are eliminated if you have one outside mirror on each side of the vehicle.
- Large trucks have bigger blind spots than most passenger vehicles.
- Blind spots can be checked by looking in your rear view mirrors.
- 3. You have been involved in a minor traffic collision with a parked vehicle and you can’t find the owner. You must: * Required
- Leave a note on the vehicle.
- Report the accident without delay to the city police or, in unincorporated areas, to the CHP.
- Both of the above.
- 4. Unless otherwise posted the speed limit in a residential area is ____. * Required
- 20 mph
- 25 mph
- 30 mph
- 5. You may legally block an intersection: * Required
- When you entered the intersection on the green light.
- During rush hour traffic.
- Under no circumstances.
- 6. When parking uphill on a two-way street with no curb, your front wheels should be: * Required
- Turned to the left (toward the street).
- Turned to the right (away from the street).
- Parallel with the pavement.
- 7. With a Class C drivers license a person may drive: * Required
- A 3-axle vehicle if the Gross Vehicle Weight is less than 6,000 pounds.
- Any 3-axle vehicle regardless of the weight.
- A vehicle pulling two trailers.
- 8. To turn left from a multilane one-way street onto a one-way street, you should start your turn from: * Required
- Any lane (as long as it is safe).
- The lane closest to the left curb.
- The lane in the center of the road.
- 9. If you are involved in a traffic collision, you are required to complete and submit a written report (SR1) to the DMV: * Required
- Only if you or the other driver is injured.
- If there is property damage in excess of $1,000 or if there are any injuries.
- Only if you are at fault.
- 10. Roadways are the most slippery: * Required
- During a heavy downpour.
- After it has been raining for awhile.
- The first rain after a dry spell.
Class C Sample test 2
1. 100
2. Large trucks have bigger blind spots than most passenger vehicles.
3. Large trucks have bigger blind spots than most passenger vehicles.
4. 25 mph
5. Under no circumstances.
6. Turned to the right (away from the street).
7. A 3-axle vehicle if the Gross Vehicle Weight is less than 6,000 pounds
8. The lane closest to the left curb.
9. If there is property damage in excess of $1,000 or if there are any injuries.
10. The first rain after a dry spell.
Class C Sample test 3
- 1. You may not park your vehicle: * Required
- On the side of the freeway in an emergency.
- Next to a red painted curb.
- Within 100 feet of an elementary school.
- 2. You must notify the DMV within 5 days if you: * Required
- Sell or transfer your vehicle.
- Fail a smog test for your vehicle.
- Get a new prescription for lenses or contacts.
- 3. Two sets of solid, double, yellow lines that are two or more feet apart: * Required
- May be crossed to enter or exit a private driveway.
- May not be crossed for any reason.
- Should be treated as a separate traffic lane.
- 4. You want to make a right turn at an upcoming intersection. You should slow down and: * Required
- Move toward the left side of your lane.
- Avoid driving in the bicycle lane.
- Signal for 100 feet before turning.
- 5. You are driving on a freeway posted for 65 MPH. The traffic is traveling at 70 MPH. You may legally drive: * Required
- 70 mph or faster to keep up with the speed of traffic.
- Between 65 mph and 70 mph.
- No faster than 65 mph.
- 6. It is illegal to park your vehicle: * Required
- In an unmarked crosswalk.
- Within three feet of a private driveway.
- In a bicycle lane.
- 7. The safest precaution that you can take regarding the use of cellular phones and driving is:* Required
- Use hands-free devices so you can keep both hands on the steering wheel.
- Keep your phone within easy reach so you won’t need to take your eyes off the road.
- Review the number before answering a call.
- 8. If you have a green light, but traffic is blocking the intersection, you should: * Required
- Stay out of the intersection until traffic clears.
- Enter the intersection and wait until traffic clears.
- Merge into another lane and try to go around the traffic.
- 9. You are getting ready to make a right turn. You should: * Required
- Signal and turn immediately.
- Stop before entering the right lane and let all other traffic go first.
- Slow down or stop, if necessary, and then make the turn.
- 10. You must obey instructions from school crossing guards: * Required
- At all times.
- Only during school hours.
- Unless you do not see any children present.
Class C Sample test 3
1. Next to a red painted curb.
2. Sell or transfer your vehicle.
3. May not be crossed for any reason.
4. Signal for 100 feet before turning.
5. No faster than 65 mph.
6. In an unmarked crosswalk.
7. Use hands-free devices so you can keep both hands on the steering wheel.
8. Stay out of the intersection until traffic clears.
9. Slow down or stop, if necessary, and then make the turn.
10. At all time.
Class C Sample test 4
- 1. It is a very windy day. You are driving and a dust storm blows across the freeway reducing your visibility. You should drive slower and turn on your: * Required
- Interior lights.
- Parking lights.
- Headlights.
- 2. If you plan to pass another vehicle, you should: * Required
- Not assume the other driver will make space for you to return to your lane.
- Assume the other driver will let you pass if you use your turn signal.
- Assume the other driver will maintain a constant speed.
- 3. You are driving on a freeway posted for 65 mph. Most of the other vehicles are driving 70 mph or faster. You may legally drive: * Required
- 70 mph or faster to keep up with the speed of traffic.
- Between 65 mph and 70 mph.
- No faster than 65 mph.
- 4. If you drive faster than other vehicles on a road with one lane in each direction and continually pass the other cars, you will: * Required
- Get you to your destination much faster and safer.
- Increase your chances of an accident.
- Help prevent traffic congestion.
- 5. Which of these vehicles must always stop before crossing railroad tracks? * Required
- Tank trucks marked with hazardous materials placards.
- Motor homes or pickup trucks towing a boat trailer.
- Any vehicle with 3 or more axles or weighing more than 4,000 pounds.
- 6. You are driving on a one-way street. You may turn left onto another one-way street only if: * Required
- A sign permits the turn.
- Traffic on the street moves to the right.
- Traffic on the street moves to the left.
- 7. A large truck is ahead of you and is turning right onto a street with two lanes in each direction. The truck: * Required
- May complete its turn in either of the two lanes.
- May have to swing wide to complete the right turn.
- Must stay in the right lane at all times while turning.
- 8. You may cross a double yellow line to pass another vehicle, if the yellow line next to: * Required
- The other side of the road is a solid line.
- Your side of the road is a broken line.
- The other side of the road is a broken line.
- 9. At intersections, crosswalks, and railroad crossings, you should always: * Required
- Stop, listen, and proceed cautiously.
- Look to the sides of your vehicle to see what is coming.
- Slowly pass vehicles that seem to be stopped for no reason.
- 10. You drive defensively when you: * Required
- Always put one car length between you and the car ahead.
- Look only at the car in front of you while driving.
- Keep your eyes moving to look for possible hazards.
Class C Sample test 4
- Headlights
- Not assume the other driver will make space for you to return to your lane.
- No faster than 65 mph.
- Increase your chances of an accident.
- Tank trucks marked with hazardous materials placards.
- Traffic on the street moves to the left.
- May have to swing wide to complete the right turn.
- Your side of the road is a broken line.
- Look to the sides of your vehicle to see what is coming.
- Keep your eyes moving to look for possible hazards.
Class C Sample test 5
- 1. You are driving on the freeway. The vehicle in front of you is a large truck. You should drive:* Required
- Closely behind the truck in bad weather because the driver can see farther ahead.
- Farther behind the truck than you would for a passenger vehicle.
- No more than one car length behind the truck so the driver can see you.
- 2. All of the following practices are dangerous to do while driving. Which of these is also illegal? * Required
- Listening to music through headphones that cover both ears.
- Adjusting your outside mirrors.
- Transporting an unrestrained animal inside the vehicle.
- 3. Always stop before you cross railroad tracks when: * Required
- You don’t have room on the other side to completely cross the tracks.
- The railroad crossing is located in a city or town that has frequent train traffic.
- You transport two or more young children in a passenger vehicle.
- 4. When you tailgate other drivers (drive close to their rear bumper): * Required
- You can frustrate the other drivers and make them angry.
- Your actions cannot result in a traffic citation.
- You help reduce traffic congestion.
- 5. Should you always drive slower than other traffic? * Required
- No, you can block traffic when you drive too slowly.
- Yes, it is a good defensive driving technique.
- Yes, it is always safer than driving faster than other traffic.
- 6. You see a signal person at a road construction site ahead. You should obey his or her instructions: * Required
- Only if you see orange cones on the road ahead.
- Unless they conflict with existing signs, signals, or laws.
- At all times.
- 7. When can you drive in a bike lane? * Required
- During rush hour traffic if there are no bicyclists in the bike lane.
- When you are within 200 feet of a cross street where you plan to turn right.
- When you want to pass a driver ahead of you who is turning right.
- 8. You see a flashing yellow traffic signal at an upcoming intersection. The flashing yellow light means: * Required
- Stop before entering the intersection as long as you can do so safely.
- Stop. Yield to all cross traffic before crossing the intersection.
- Slow down and cross the intersection carefully.
- 9. There is no crosswalk and you see a pedestrian crossing your lane ahead. You should: * Required
- Make eye contact and then pass him/her.
- Slow down as you pass him/her.
- Stop and let him/her finish crossing the street.
- 10. A solid yellow line next to a broken yellow line means that vehicles: * Required
- In both directions may pass.
- Next to the broken line may pass.
- Next to the solid line may pass.
Class C Sample test 5
- Farther behind the truck than you would for a passenger vehicle.
- Listening to music through headphones that cover both ears.
- You don’t have room on the other side to completely cross the tracks.
- You can frustrate the other drivers and make them angry.
- No, you can block traffic when you drive too slowly.
- At all times.
- When you are within 200 feet of a cross street where you plan to turn right.
- Slow down and cross the intersection carefully.
- Stop and let him/her finish crossing the street.
- Next to the broken line may pass.
- 停下的学校公共汽车上闪烁的红灯意思是﹕
- 首先停车﹐然后在安全的情况下继续行驶
- 在红灯闪烁期间要一直将车停车
- 只有在您看到街上有小孩时才停车
- 当你在城市附近速限很低的地方驾车时是否要繫上安全带/座椅安全带?
- 是-但只有在车速超过时速40英里时
- 是
- 否-在低速行驶时安全带没有效果
- 驾车时向前看的意思是您应该 :
- 要观察您视力所能看到的前方的情况
- 要观察您跟随著的前面一辆车的情况
- 要观察所有的情况
- 在没有标志标出其他限速的情况下, 在住宅区驾车的限速是:
- 时速30英里
- 时速25英里
- 时速20英里
- 在上下班交通“高峰期”堵塞交叉路口是:
- 允许, 因为您有先行权
- 如果您已经等过两次红绿灯允许
- 绝对不允许
- 您不可以越过道路中央的双实线来
- 您不想因任何原因越过双实线
- 向左转
- 在双向行驶的道路上超过另一辆车
- 在没有行人横道线的交叉路口处谁有先行权?
- 车辆有先行权, 但应该减速并谨慎继续驾驭
- 行人有先行权
- 行人有先行权, 但只有在画出行人横道线的情况下
- 当您听到警笛声并且看到一辆有闪烁的红色紧急讯号灯的救急车辆离您很近地行驶来, 您必须:
- 将车开到路的右侧边缘并停下
- 将车驶入右边车道并缓慢行驶, 直到该车经过
- 加速行驶使交通通畅
- 如果您屡次被判犯了交通违规:
- DMV将吊扣您车辆的登记证
- 您的驾驶权利可能会被DMV吊销
- 您只会被罚款
- 如果在您前面的驾驶者在行人横道线前停车, 您应该:
- 轻按您的喇叭, 让该驾驶员知道您在等他
- 停车, 然后在安全的情况下继续行驶
- ~将车开到路的右侧边缘并停下
- 载客用车辆在从泊车位倒车出来时,您应该:
- 依赖您的后向反光镜
- 依赖您的左侧反光镜
- 依您的右肩往后看
- 您在自行车旁边行驶, 并且想在转角处向右转, 您应该发出讯号, 仔细观察看是否有骑自行车者, 然后:
- 在转弯前200英尺内汇入自行车道
- 转弯, 但要小心避免进入自行车道
- 加速, 在骑车者到达转角处前超过他们
- 如果您在驾车时昏昏欲睡, 最好:
- 喝咖啡以增强您的警觉性
- 将收音机的音量调到很大
- 将车开到一个安全的地方, 停车休息
- 在销售或转让您的车辆后的多少天之内您必须向DMV报告?
- 5天
- 10天
- 15天
- 您在何时可以合法地绕过放下的铁路交叉路口栏杆, 或从其边上绕过?
- 当火车在离铁路交叉口有一段安全距离处停下
- 如果铁路交叉口栏杆被卡住
- 在任何时候均不可以
- 当您不能肯定是否应该打开前灯时, 您可以遵循的一个好习惯是:
- 每当您有困难看到其他车辆的时候就要打开前灯
- 如果会给其他驾驶者造成骚扰就不要打开前灯
- 在日落后一个小时打开前灯
- 在一条单行街道上, 您通常可以从以下车道开始左转进入另一条单行街道:
- 距左边路缘最近的车道
- 左边或右边车道都可以
- 距右边路缘最近的车道
- 当来到有停车标志的转角处, 您首先必须停车:
- 在穿过行人横道线后
- 在足以看到两边来往交通的地方
- 在行人横道线前
- 以下那一位不被认为是行人?
- 使用引路狗的人
- 驾驶机动四轮车的残障人士
- 骑机动自行车的人
- 涂上红色的路缘意味停车或泊车是:
- 不允许的。(可能有标志允许公共汽车停车)
- 仅供救急车辆用
- 仅供乘客下车用
- 在以下情况下路面最滑:
- 在暴风雨期间
- 在下小雨的时候
- 在长期干旱后开始下雨的时候
- 以下那一项对改善交通顺畅最有利?
- 公共交通
- 取消缓冲距离
- 取消不必要的变换车道
- 在准备转弯前, 为避免被另一辆车从后面撞上, 您应该:
- 在任何时候都打开您的泊车灯
- 在转弯前至少100英尺处发出讯号
- 经常通过您后视镜观察后面情况
- 在以下地点泊车是绝对不允许:
- 在坡道上
- 在残疾人停车位旁边的, 漆有白色交叉线的区域
- 距铁轨二十英尺处
- 当您驶近”盲”交叉路口 (您无法看到交叉街道两边100英尺内的情况), 而且转弯处无STOP或YIRLD标志, 行车限速是:
- 时速10英里
- 时速15英里
- 时速20英里
- 当您经过一个学校, 看到街道附近有小孩。除非标有更低的限速, 您的行车速度不得超过:
- 时速20英里
- 时速25英里
- 时速30英里
- 在加州所有致命车祸中, 涉及饮酒驾驶者的大约占_____°
- 40%
- 60%
- 85%
- 在销售或转让您的车辆后的多少天之内, 您必须向DMV报告?
- 5天
- 10天
- 15天
- 当您在高速公路上汇道时, 您行车速度应该是 :
- 大约与高速公路交通限速一致
- 比高速公路限速大约低10英里
- 比高速公路限速大约高5英里
- 盲交叉路口是在该交叉路口处您无法:
- 在穿过前的最后100英尺内看到左右两边50英尺距离
- 在穿过前的最后100英尺内看到左右两边100英尺距离
- 在穿过前的最后100英尺内看到左右两边150英尺距离
- B
- B
- C
- B
- C
- C
- B
- A
- B
- B
- C
- A
- C
- A
- C
- A
- A
- C
- C
- A
- C
- A
- B
- B
- B
- B
- B
- A
- A
- B
- 在驾车长途旅行时, 为保持您的警觉性以及保持清醒, 除将车驶离路面休息外,您还应该:
- 让车内吹进一些新鲜空气
- 经常变换车道
- 以低于标明的限速的速度行驶
- 如果您按照以下方式观察道路情况, 就会更容易发现前方的危险:
- 将目光集中在车内的反光镜上
- 将目光集中在前方的车辆
- 对您车辆前方的情况进行扫视
- 涂上白色的路线意味在以下允许停车或泊车:
- 如果装卸货车或上落乘客
- 如果是在公共汽车上落乘客区
- 如果是救急车辆或警车
- 只允许足够的时间接送乘客或取送邮件
- 在以下情况下您行车速度可以超过时速65英里
- 绝对不可以
- 为跟其他车辆同时保持一致的速度
- 在标有更高限速的高速公路上
- 加州的”基本速度法例”规定:
- 您必须考虑道路、交通、以及天气情况
- 您必须留意同步停车讯号灯
- 您在受管制的交叉路口可能不得不突然减速
- 您是否在所有可能的情况下均要在您的车辆週围保持”缓衝距离”?
- 是, 这样在其他车辆驾驶者犯错误的时候您就有时间做出反应
- 是, 但只要在城区街道上
- 否, 缓衝距离没有必要-他们佔据高速公路上宝贵的空间
- 您想在交叉路口作U形迴转。有两条左转车道。您在U形迴转时应该用两条车道的那一条?
- 距街道中央最近的左转车道
- 距路缘最近的车道
- 在您的这一边道路的任何一条通行无阻的车道
- 您在什么时候应该放弃您的法定先行权?
- 当这样做将有助于防止车辆事故时
- 当别的驾驶者想要以比您更快的速度行驶时
- 绝对不要, 这会迷惑其他驾驶者
- 在您的车中放置已开启的酒精饮料容器是违法的,除非:
- 在车后备箱中
- 在车的后座
- 在手套箱内
- 如果您在高速公路见到橘黄色施工标志以及锥形标志, 您必须
- 要小心道路工人以及慢行的设备
- 变换车道, 同时保持车速
- 将您的车速降至时速15英里或以下
- 在转角处穿过街道的行人在以下情况下有先行权:
- 只有在行人交通管制装置运作正常时
- 无论街道上是否画出行人横道线
- 在管制车辆交通的讯号灯失灵时
- 如果一辆移动的车辆的左转弯与右转弯讯号同时闪烁。这一讯号的意思是:
- 该车有先行权
- 前方可能有危险或交通意外
- 该车比其他车辆行驶速度更快
- 您在自行车辆旁边行政院驶,并且想在转弯处向右转。您发出讯号, 仔细观察看是否有骑自行车者, 然后:
- 在转弯前200英尺内汇入自行车道
- 转弯, 但要小心避免进入自行车道
- 在转弯前50英尺内汇入自行车道
- 您在一条弯曲的双车道公路上驾驶一辆慢行车辆。当有以下数量的车辆跟随您时, 要在安全的时候将车驶到路边停下, 让其他车辆超过您:
- 4辆车
- 5辆车或更多的车
- 无论有多少辆车您都无需将车驶到路边停下
- 骑自行车者必须:
- 在被汽车超过时必须得到安全的空间
- 一定不要推车穿过街道
- 如果没有自行车道就要在行人道上骑车
- 当您遇到一辆停下来并且有红灯闪烁的学校公共汽车时, 如果您没有停车:
- 您可能只被罚款
- 您可能只被吊销驾驶执照
- 您可能被最高罚款$1000, 并且被吊销驾驶权利
- 在从有角度的泊车位倒车出来时, 您应该:
- 在慢速倒车出来时观察您的后向反光镜
- 在慢速倒车出来时观察您的左侧反光镜
- 从您的右肩向后看, 同时慢速倒车出来
- 除非为安全考虑必须这样做外, 行驶速度太慢, 以至于影响正常合理的交通流动, 这是:
- 违法的
- 驾驶者的权利
- 合法, 但建议您不要这样做
- 阻塞交叉路口是:
- 只要两边交通有些能够绕过您行驶就允许
- 如果您遇到绿灯或黄灯时进入交叉路口, 并且不能在讯号灯变红前驶出交叉路口, 就允许
- 绝对不允许
- 您经过一个学校, 看到街道附近有小孩, 除非标有更低的限速, 您的行车速度不得超过:
- 时速20英里
- 时速25英里
- 时速30英里
- 在您离开您的车道以超过另一辆车时, 在以下情况下您就知道您有足够的空间进入您原来的行车道:
- 可从您的后向反光镜看到您刚刚超过的车辆的前端
- 超出另一辆车有三辆车车身的距离
- 在另一辆车的前方有两秒的行车距离
- 以下那一项不是安全的驾车行为:
- 在坏天气下打开雾灯
- 凝视您车前方的路段
- 在转动方向盘之前转头观察情况
- 在您的驾驶执照上注有一项条件“可在日出与日落之间驾车”。现在时间是晚上9:30, 您想去商店买治疗咳嗽的药。您应该怎么办?
- 驾车去商店, 但车速不要超过时速15英里
- 请一位朋友驾车送您去商店
- 再等一小时, 这样路上交通会更稀少
- 在车流中变换车道之前, 您需要:
- 从您的肩头向后看, 以确保您想进入的车道是通行无阻的
- 发出讯号, 这样您就会有先行权
- 加速超过其他所有车辆
- 在任何使您驾车不安全的麻药的影响下驾车是:
- 如果有医生开的处方, 就允许
- 不允许的
- 如果是减肥丸或治疗感冒的药就允许
- 就大型卡车及公共汽车的盲点而言, 载客车辆通常应遵循的规则是什麽?
- 如果您看不见该车的反光镜, 卡车司机亦无法知道您的存在
- 如果该车有八个反光镜, 就不会有盲点
- 如果您跟车距离不少于六英尺, 您就不在盲点中
- 您是否应该常常观察后面的交通情况?
- 是, 这样您将知道是否有一位尾随者跟着您
- 否, 您应该注意观察您前方的车辆
- 否, 除非交通很拥挤
- 除非为了安全考虑必须这样做外, 行驶速度太慢, 以至于影响正常合理的交通流动, 这是:
- 违法的
- 驾驶者的权利
- 比超速行驶更安全
- 在您的行车方向有三条车道供车辆行驶。通常交通最流畅的车道是:
- 左车道(#1车道)
- 中间车道(#2车道)
- 右车道(#3车道)
- 您要注意看在供机动车辆行驶的车道上是否有骑自行车者,因为他们:
- 必须面对迎面而来的交通骑车
- 有权与您共用道路
- 有先行权
- A
- C
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- C
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- A
- A
- A
- A
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- C
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- B